Saturday, March 31, 2012
'Low power' server packs 64 Xeon processors
twelve times the bandwidth of today's best-in-class servers.& The SM10000-XE has up to 2 terabytes of DDR3 memory, up to 64 SATA hard disks or solid state drives (SSDs), and up to 16 10 gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) or 64 1GbE ports, the company says....
Jordan fastest as new cars impress
Genetic Clue to van Gogh?s Mutant Sunflowers Discovered
'Hunger Games': Why The Box-Office Odds Are In Its Favor
Riding high off its $150 million debut, experts predict that 'Hunger Games' isn't going to slow down anytime soon.
By Fallon Prinzivalli
Jennifer Lawrence in "The Hunger Games"
Photo: Lionsgate
MTV News reported earlier this week that "The Hunger Games" opening-weekend sales surprised box-office experts, and we can see why. They originally projected a $70 million debut for the dystopian film. What actually happened was a $150 million weekend that propelled the film to the third-highest opening weekend ever.
That sparks the question: How will the movie fare its second weekend?
The film's debut dominated the sales of the one movie everyone was comparing it to: "Twilight." The vampire franchise's initial film brought in $69 million its first weekend and quickly declined from there. Will "The Hunger Games" suffer the same fate? Phil Contrino from doesn't think so.
" 'Hunger Games' is holding up very well. It's quite clear by now that it's not going to suffer from a sharp decline the way that 'Twilight' did," he said. "The reason for that is the fact that adults are into it and they don't always rush out opening weekend." is predicting $72 million this weekend — $2 million above predictions for its debut. Contrino continued, " 'The Hunger Games' definitely has a shot at hitting $400 million domestically. It's a great accomplishment for the first film of a franchise to hit that mark."
Gitesh Pandya from Box Office Guru agrees. "Overall, 'Hunger Games' looks on track to finish its U.S. run with $350 to $400 million, which would be higher than the first 'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter' films." He commented that the movie ended its first full week with about $190 million, which is a new record for a non-sequel. "I expect it to easily hold onto the box-office crown this weekend with sales in the neighborhood of $70 million."
While "Wrath of the Titans" and "Mirror, Mirror" aren't slated to surpass "Hunger Games" this weekend, Contrino thinks next weekend will be more of a race. "It'll be interesting to see whether or not 'Titanic 3D' or 'American Reunion' will take it down. It's going to be close." Pandya disagrees, "The April lineup is not too strong, so 'Hunger Games' may just remain #1 for three or four weeks total." The rest of the year, however, gives them some competition. "It may not end the year as 2012's top-grossing film as both 'The Dark Knight Rises' and 'The Avengers' has the potential to become bigger blockbusters that play to broader audiences."
Check out everything we've got on "The Hunger Games."
For young Hollywood news, fashion and "Twilight" updates around the clock, visit
Related Videos Related PhotosFriday, March 30, 2012
'Hunger Games' Fans Have Spoken: Jennifer Lawrence Isn't Too Curvy
'Jennifer Lawrence is the perfect Katniss Everdeen!' one MTV News commenter writes.
By Elizabeth Lancaster
Jennifer Lawrence in "The Hunger Games"
Photo: Lionsgate
After devouring the books and flooding movie theaters, "Hunger Games" fans have become fiercely loyal to the actors who embodied their favorite characters. And those die-hards are not taking kindly to suggestions that Jennifer Lawrence is too curvy to play Katniss Everdeen.
Much of the backlash stems from New York Times film critic Manohla Dargis' review of the film, in which she wrote: "A few years ago Ms. Lawrence might have looked hungry enough to play Katniss, but now, at 21, her seductive, womanly figure makes a bad fit for a dystopian fantasy about a people starved into submission."
On Wednesday, when MTV News checked in with "Hunger Games" experts for their feelings on the subject, many of you took to our comments section and our Twitter to let us know just how much you disagree with Dargis' take on the lead actress. reader DavidB presented this quote from Suzanne Collins' book, in which Katniss describes her own body: "I stand straight, and while I'm thin, I'm strong. The meat and plants from the woods combined with the exertion it took to get them have given me a healthier body than most of those I see around me."
Another commenter, GrantGibbs1, wrote, "Jennifer Lawrence is the perfect Katniss Everdeen! She's not even fat??? First racist comments now weight issues," the commenter added, in reference to the issues some moviegoers have had over Rue being played by a black actress.
For many fans and readers, it's not about accuracy, but respect and admiration for Jennifer Lawrence as an actress, as well as defending young women from the pressures that create body issues. On Twitter, @PromiseKidrauhl told us Lawrence "was perfectly picked to play Katniss," while @valvdg wrote, "As if young women didn't have enough weight issues."
It's not too late to make your voice heard: What do you think about the controversy over Jennifer Lawrence's body?
Check out everything we've got on "The Hunger Games."
For young Hollywood news, fashion and "Twilight" updates around the clock, visit
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Blood Pressure Medication To Prevent Hypertension psychology in combat sports
What is blood pressure? What variables involve which makes it ups and downs? New generation are just ignoring the value of this deadly disease and when they suffered from this disease they by no means forget it. Just we can say it really is a kind of disease which weakens heart. And just after physician diagnoses that any physique affected with this disease, then he come to understand about it. And when it diagnoses in 2nd or 3rd stage of this illness medical doctor suggested him to start blood pressure medication.
It will not be like a disease which infected any 1 from other people. Any body can harm himself very effortlessly and cannot diagnose himself that this illness hunted him. Precaution has to be a good issue to stop this disease. The person,psychology in combat sports, who is suffering from it,best psychology 101 textbook, might be very easily involved of heart attack, kidney failure and a lot of heart illnesses. Now these are some factor effecting in this disease and some remedy and precaution to avoid this dangerous and dangerous illness.
Importance of Diet plan
First of all diet regime plays an extremely critical role in our lives and particularly when any body suffering from blood pressure. Most peoples affected by this disease as a result of their abnormal diet. Oily meals and so much salt in their foods are very damaging to you it tends to make you fatty as well as your heart goes weak and your vessels diameter come to be incredibly brief, so heart can not pump blood for the end of your vessels it took extra pressure to reach blood to your vessels.
Change your life style to prevent this disease. If you are a smoker then to begin with it's essential to stop this.
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Running, Jogging and walking are also excellent to every single one but incredibly vital for heart patient. One who're suffering from this illness, have to walk or run two to three instances a day for 30-40 minutes.
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An perfect blood pressure of a usual human being is about 120/80 if it increases to 140/90 or far more in standard condition,anatomy pdf, its high blood pressure.
There are quite a few bad effect of high blood pressure causing heart attack, hypertension, heart diseases and some time it fails kidney and so on.
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This medication is use to control your heart and make it healthier and stronger to make superior impact on your physique system and stable it with the help of some medicine and treatment. This medication helps you to maintain you heart beat, it controls cholesterol level in your body but it has its limitation which you've to take side by side with medication like, proper diet regime, walking, exercise and other things. You'll find some types of medication physician suggest you which medication is suitable for the well being to stop from hypertension and other negative effects of this killing illness.
With good effect of this medication it has some poor effects. You could face sleeping problems, headache, it can increase urinate.
After all these side effects blood pressure medication is a good treatment, because these are not a major side effect at all.
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'Game Of Thrones' Season Two: 10 Things You Need To Know
From Ned's beheading to Tyrion's tumultuous journey, we recount the key moments to remember heading into Sunday's premiere.
By Josh Wigler
Lena Headey in "Game of Thrones"
Photo: HBO
Swords, kings, dragons and things (and by things, we mean an absurd amount of sex and violence): Where else but "Game of Thrones" can you get all that and then some?
Those who've been thirsting for blood and fire are about to get plenty of both when "Thrones" returns for its second season this Sunday, but considering how much time has passed since poor Ned lost his head, you'd be forgiven for not remembering much of what happened all the way back in season one. Well, never fear, true believers; that's what we're here for!
Keep on reading for everything you need to remember about "Game of Thrones" season one before returning to Westeros later this week.
"Winter Is Coming"
The words of House Stark echo all throughout "Game of Thrones" season one, beginning with King Robert Baratheon's royal visit to old friend and war buddy Eddard Stark all the way north in Winterfell. Robert all but commands Ned to take on the role of Hand of the King — the ruler of Westeros' right-hand man — and Lord Stark begrudgingly accepts. His reason: to investigate the death of the pervious Hand, Jon Arryn, an old mentor of Ned and Robert's, who he believes was murdered by Queen Cersei and members of her wicked family, the Lannisters.
Kids These Days
Ned's investigation does not go smoothly. After arriving in King's Landing to serve as Robert's Hand, Ned learns that Robert fathered many bastard children and that his own supposedly trueborn heirs — Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen — were not his trueborn children at all, but bastards of Queen Cersei's incestuous relationship with her twin brother, Jaime. Robert dies from a freak injury before Ned can tell him the truth, and Ned takes it upon himself to see that the late Baratheon's younger brother, Stannis, is the next man to sit upon the Iron Throne, as is his right.
Hopeless, Headless Ned
Once again, Ned's plan does not go well. When Lord Stark attempts to persuade the court to recognize Stannis' claim to the throne, newly minted King Joffrey and Queen Regent Cersei have him arrested for treason. A deal is later brokered where Ned will confess to his treachery and recognize Joffrey's claim, in exchange for the safety of himself and his children. But after he publicly confesses to his "crimes," Joffrey pulls a fast one on everyone — characters and audience included — by ordering Ned's beheading. With one stunning stroke, the main character of "Game of Thrones" was dead, before the season finale, no less.
Stark Reality
While they still have their lives, the Stark children aren't faring much better than poor Ned. The youngest son, Bran Stark, is pushed out of a window and subsequently paralyzed after catching twins Cersei and Jaime doing the nasty. Ned's two daughters, Arya and Sansa, are left in very different and very awful positions following his death too. Arya is posing as a boy, traveling north with a group of young men to join the Night's Watch; she's to be dropped off at her home in Winterfell before reaching the Wall. Sansa, meanwhile, is still in King's Landing and still betrothed to the wicked boy king Joffrey, who abuses her physically and emotionally with brutal regularity.
The King in the North
Lord Eddard Stark's eldest son, Robb, on the other hand, is in a position to actually do something about his father's death. Robb has called upon House Stark's bannermen in the northern part of Westeros to wage war on Joffrey and the Lannisters. His goals are threefold: the safe return of his sisters, the official succession of the North from the Seven Kingdoms' purview, and vengeance for Ned. Robb becomes known as the King in the North, an ancient title not held by anyone since Torrhen Stark bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror nearly 300 years earlier.
Here a King, There a King ...
Robb Stark is not the only man in Westeros calling himself king. There's Joffrey Baratheon, of course, who sits on the Iron Throne. Three other men have their eyes on the crown as well: Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands and the two remaining Baratheon brothers, Stannis and Renly. Though Renly is a charismatic and well-liked figure in Westeros, he is also the youngest Baratheon, making his claim weaker than the less-beloved Stannis. It won't matter which Baratheon has the better claim, of course, if one of the other three kings vying for power has their say.
... And There a Queen
There's another player in the game of thrones, and that's exiled princess Daenerys, the last surviving member of House Targaryen, the clan who ruled over Westeros for nearly three full centuries. Dany spends the entirety of season one across the Narrow Sea among the Dothraki, a barbaric people who pride themselves on war and horses. Bad things happen to all "Thrones" characters, but Dany has a particularly rough go of it in season one: Her husband, Khal Drogo, and their unborn son both die, as does her brother, Viserys. (Indeed, that guy is super dead.) On the other side of all that tragedy, Dany is now the proud owner of three brand-spanking-new dragons, the first of their kind in hundreds of years. That's a plus!
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Elsewhere, in another remote area of this fantasy world, Ned Stark's bastard Jon Snow serves as a man of the aforementioned Night's Watch, an ancient order of warriors who patrol the great ice Wall to protect the people of Westeros from the dangers lurking further north. Shortly after becoming a sworn brother of the Watch, Jon saves Lord Commander Mormont from dying at the hands of a reanimated corpse (zombies, ftw!), the latest and most dangerous evidence yet that the Others — a long-forgotten force of evil with unspeakably cold crystal swords and voices that sound like crackling ice — still exist beyond the wall. To investigate further, Mormont takes Jon and other members of the Watch beyond the Wall, where they'll continue to explore throughout season two.
Paying Their Debts
Clearly, season one was crazy busy for Ned Stark and his family, but how about House Lannister? Though Cersei's son sits on the Iron Throne as she had always hoped, the queen suffers a severe blow in the capture of her brother and lover, Jaime, at the hands of Robb Stark. Jaime remains in the northerner's captivity. Meanwhile, the third Lannister sibling — the imp Tyrion Lannister — went through hell and back again as well: He starts in Winterfell as part of Robert's royal party, ends up on the Wall for a time, is captured by Ned Stark's wife Catelyn for his suspected role in Bran Stark's paralysis, is brought to the miles-high Eyrie to pay for his crimes, is eventually liberated from his fate with the help of his own cunning wit and the talented sellsword Bronn and ultimately relegated to the frontlines of lord Tywin Lannister's war against the Starks. As King Joffrey's Hand, Tywin can't exactly win a war and worry about the goings-on of Westeros at the same time. Accordingly, he temporarily passes off his duties as Hand to Tyrion, who is about to prove that a very small man can cast a very big shadow.
A Dink and a Nod
Speaking of very big shadows, you heard about Peter Dinklage's Best Supporting Actor wins at the Emmys and the Golden Globes this past year, right? Well, given what happens to his character in "A Clash of Kings" (the novel that the second season of "Thrones" is based on), Dinklage has only scratched the surface of Tyrion's enormously satisfying arc. If he's as smart as his character, the gifted actor has left some room on the shelf for a few more trophies come the end of the new season.
Are you all caught up for "Thrones" season two? Let us know in the comments section below, or chat with me more on Twitter @roundhoward!
Related Photos'Bully' Will Be Released Unrated
Weinstein Co. is releasing the documentary on bullying unrated in a protest against an R.
By Gil Kaufman
Actors, singers, politicians, educators and high school kids have been protesting the R rating given to the anti-bullying documentary "Bully," but the ratings board would not budge. So, instead of folding, frequently outspoken Weinstein Co. co-founder Harvey Weinstein has decided to release the film unrated.
"The small amount of language in the film that's responsible for the R rating is there because it's real," director Lee Hirsch said of the multiple f-bombs that landed the film its restricted rating, according to The Hollywood Reporter. "It's what the children who are victims of bullying face on most days. All of our supporters see that, and we're grateful for the support we've received across the board. I know the kids will come, so it's up to the theaters to let them in."
The film depicts the painful results of school bullying and follows several families who've been impacted by bullying. But because it was given an R rating, it cannot be screened in middle and high schools.
Weinstein began a public appeal of the rating last month, making the case that it would freeze out the very teens and others under 18 who most need to hear its powerful message.
The rating war inspired 17-year-old Katy Butler to start a viral petition to get the decision changed. Not only did her movement win her a GLAAD Media Award over the weekend, but it also drew nearly 500,000 signatures and support from the likes of Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Johnny Depp and Ellen DeGeneres.
Though unrated films are often shut out of many theater chains out of respect for the ratings board, the CEO of the AMC chain, Gerry Lopez, said he will allow certain theaters in his circuit to screen the movie. "Bully" opens on March 30 in New York and Los Angeles. The movie has gotten another unlikely partner in the form of computing giant Microsoft. According to the Los Angeles Times, Microsoft has agreed to use its Bing search engine to promote "Bully" with a TV and social media ad campaign.
New Wi-Fi iPad Cleared for Sale in China
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
'Hunger Games' Star Jennifer Lawrence: What's Next?
A horror movie, two Bradley Cooper films and a return to Katniss Everdeen are all in the works.
By Kara Warner
Jennifer Lawrence at the "Hunger Games" premiere
Photo: Getty Images
For those of you who rushed out to the theater to see Jennifer Lawrence and company in this weekend's box-office blockbuster "The Hunger Games," how good was Lawrence as Katniss? If you were as delighted and moved by Lawrence's performance as we were, you're probably wondering what the Oscar nominee will be up to next.
Lucky for you, we have a few answers! Here's a little rundown of what to expect from Lawrence and where to see more of this talented, charming and all-around likable leading lady.
(Side note: Before she jumps right into another project, we hope Lawrence takes a vacation of some sort and gets a little rest and relaxation after her extensive, worldwide promotional tourfor "Games." We loved seeing the cast at so many events and so dressed up, but she has to be exhausted!)
Anyway, we have to wait until fall until we get another Lawrence film. The first is the horror/thriller "House at the End of the Street," co-starring Elisabeth Shue. In the film, Lawrence and Shue play a mother/daughter duo who get wrapped up in the mystery of a murder in a small town. Shortly after the September 21 release of "House at the End of the Street," fans will see a very brief appearance by Lawrence in "Devil You Know," playing the younger version of Rosamund Pike's character Zoe.
In November, we'll see Lawrence in "The Silver Linings Playbook," the first of two films co-starring Bradley Cooper. "Silver Linings" revolves around a man who tries to put his life back together after spending years in a mental institution.
"I just wrapped a movie called 'The Silver Linings Playbook,' " Lawrence told MTV News recently. "And then I'm going to go shoot another Bradley Cooper movie. It's not a Bradley Cooper movie — Bradley Cooper's in the movie — it's a Jennifer Lawrence movie with Bradley in it," she joked. "Bradley Cooper and I are going to come out with a Jennifer Lawrence/ Bradley Cooper box set."
Their second film together is "Serena," about a Depression-era couple who face personal complications when they learn that Lawrence's character cannot bear children, which has a negative impact on the future of their lumber company.
Fun fact about "Serena": Lawrence's role was originally intended for Angelina Jolie.
"I'm not at the status where I have her roles. I have her leftovers, let's be clear," she joked of taking over for Jolie. "She left it for me. I have her garbage. No, that's a wonderful place to be. I'm an actor digging through Angelina Jolie's garbage. I've made it." Shooting on "Serena" has yet to start.
After her work on "Serena," we're all hoping Lawrence will be back playing Katniss for "Catching Fire" or getting painted to play Mystique in the yet-to-be-announced sequel to "X-Men: First Class." Because "Fire" has a November 22, 2013, release date already locked in place, we're betting Lawrence will be back wielding a bow and arrow before she's spending countless hours in the makeup chair to "get painted again" for "X-Men."
Check out everything we've got on "The Hunger Games."
For young Hollywood news, fashion and "Twilight" updates around the clock, visit
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Sunday, March 25, 2012
Odd Future And 'Jackass' Producers Unite On 'Loiter Squad'
'I love working with the 'Jackass' crew — just fun all day,' Jasper Dolphin tells 'RapFix Live' working on OF's new show 'Loiter Squad.'
By Rob Markman
Odd Future on "RapFix Live"
Photo: MTV News
Apparently music isn't enough for the Odd Future Wolf Gang collective. Only days after OFWGKTA released their The OF tape, Vol. 2, the crew is getting set to terrorize television sets with their new sketch comedy series "Loiter Squad" on Cartoon Network.
The show is set to premier March 25 at 11:30 p.m. ET during Cartoon Network's Adult Swim programming block. The show centers primarily on OF de facto leader Tyler, the Creator, Jasper Dolphin, Taco and Lionel Boyce. Fans can expect to see familiar characters like Thurnis Haley, the golf-loving whack job that Tyler played to promote his 2011 Goblin album.
"Thurnis gonna be on there, he got a couple of skits, but it's mostly about me, though," Jasper said jokingly when the crew appeared on "RapFix Live" on Wednesday."It's like what I do on my day. I wake up, I take a shower, I eat and then you see them in the background."
To put the show together, the Wolf Gang hooked up with Dickhouse Productions, the same company responsible for MTV's hit series "Jackass."
"When we went to Cartoon Network, they contacted them to do the show for us," Lionel said of how Dickhouse and Odd Future crew hooked up.
One could only imagine the antics that occurred on set, though OF would only say that they had a good time putting the show together. "I love working with the 'Jackass' crew just fun all day," Jasper said before calling on all of the group's fans to tune in. "Watch me on TV; I need the money."
Are you planning on watching "Loiter Squad"? Let us know in the comments section!
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'Hunger Games' Strikes A 'Perfect Balance,' Experts Say
Three 'HG' webmasters break down film adaptation for MTV News.
By Kara Warner
Josh Hutcherson in "The Hunger Games"
Photo: Lionsgate
Did you know that "The Hunger Games" is finally out in theaters? That's a rhetorical question — of course you did!
We've all been following the hugely anticipated film since the beginning, and now we can bask in the glow of its predicted success and the general delight of fans everywhere, not to mention the very positive reviews.
Now, MTV News turns to our most trusted "Hunger Games" experts to find out what they think about the adaptation:
Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss
"If anyone had any lingering doubts about whether our Oscar-nominated leading lady could do the role of Katniss Everdeen justice, those doubts took an arrow to the heart. There were a lot of standout moments in her performance — her soon to be iconic 'I volunteer!,' her emotional breakdown after the loss of Rue — but for me, the highest mark of Jen's understanding of Katniss came at the end when (spoiler) she and fellow tribute Peeta are about to commit a double suicide on live TV. In that scene, everything we know about Katniss — her strength, her desire to protect the people she loves, her bravery and the first flicker of rebellion — show through. Unlike the lovelorn Peeta, who uses his final moments of life to appreciate the girl he loves, Katniss has eyes only for the Capitol, looking not at Peeta, but into one of the invisible cameras. This isn't about love, it's about survival, and Jen gets that." — Shylah Addante, Down With the Capitol
"Jennifer was fabulous! Every moment she was onscreen, which was a lot, was just phenomenal. She did a great job of showing how much Katniss cared about her family but was emotionally blank to everyone else." — Jessica McKenna, The Hob
"Jennifer as Katniss is beyond amazing. The depth in which she portrayed Katniss is unlike anything I've seen before. It was all about the subtle things Jennifer would do that made the biggest impact. Whether it was Jennifer visibly trembling right before the arena, getting this panicked look in her eyes when Prim's name is called at the Reaping, her grief at the death of Rue or her look of defiance when giving the three-fingered salute to the people of District 11, I found myself feeling how Katniss must be feeling and left utterly speechless at Jennifer's portrayal of this character. I've said it before, but I think it's definitely worth saying again: Although this fandom doesn't like to identify itself with teams, if I did have to pick, I would definitely be Team Katniss all the way." — Sheila Cordero, HG Girl on Fire
Josh Hutcherson as Peeta
"Insofar as Jen is Katniss, Josh Hutcherson is Peeta. I believed everything he did was motivated by his character's signature pure-of-heart naiveté. Josh ensured that Peeta wore his heart of his sleeve but was careful to ensure that he didn't cross into clichéd romance territory. Scenes like the rooftop and the cave, where he had to play soft to Katniss' hard edge, could have easily been awkward or out of pace with the rest of the film, but Josh gave Peeta a backbone that gave his character's romanticism a solid foundation." — Addante
"From the first time we see Josh onscreen, I was convinced I was looking at Peeta. He nailed Peeta's quiet strength and kindness." — McKenna
"Over the course of the last several months, I've become increasingly impressed with what I have seen of Josh Hutcherson and truly believe he does embody many of the characteristics of Peeta. Watching him bring this character to life, I can honestly say Josh is an outstanding actor. He brought me to tears as he fought back the tears while he was being driven away from District 12 and heading toward the Capitol train. During Peeta's interview with Caesar Flickerman, I found myself rooting for this charming guy who you couldn't help but smile back at, then internally going 'Awww' when he admits his crush is the girl he came to the Games with. But perhaps what I loved the most about Josh as Peeta was the silent communication he had with Katniss. Whether it was him rubbing medicine on Katniss' cut, putting a hand on her cheek or a simple touch of her braid, I couldn't help but find myself falling for the boy with the bread." — Cordero
The Supporting Players
"Wes Bentley's portrayal of Head Gamemaker Seneca Crane gave incredible context to the Games and their entertainment value in Panem. He, by far, had my favorite scene in the film when his character realizes that he's gone from young hotshot TV producer to a dead man — proof positive that it's not just the tributes playing for their lives in Panem." — Addante
"Stanley Tucci was a scene-stealer as Caesar. He expertly jumped from a sympathetic, hard-hitting, Barbara Walters-esque interviewer to an über-hyper, Richard Dawson-ish game-show host and back again second by second." — McKenna
"For me, the biggest and most pleasant surprise of all was Willow Shields as Prim. Her scenes with Katniss at home and during the reaping just break my heart. She displayed a depth to her character that is rare in an actor as young as she is. I really felt her fear when her name was called and then her agony as she is carried away by Gale once Katniss volunteers. Willow amazed me." — Cordero
Page-to-Screen Adaptation
"One-hundred percent, this is the best page-to-screen adaption of a film I've seen. It gave the perfect balance of what longtime fans of the series would be excited for, but knew where to trim things down to make the movie work. The best example of this is the infamous cave scene, which, in the book, stretches on for page after glorious page of Katniss and Peeta kissing, enjoying sponsor gifts, and seducing the nation into believing their love story. In the movie, however, we get one kiss and a couple very intense moments of connection from the star-crossed lovers, and that's all we needed. Had Gary Ross pulled an 'Eclipse' and stretched out every lingering glance and hung onto each word of dialogue, I have no doubt that it would have felt out of place and cheesy in a movie that, otherwise, is very pragmatic and real." — Addante
"The overall adaptation worked really well. Like many fans, I wasn't thrilled with some of the finer points that were left out of the screenplay. However, it all worked in the end and didn't really miss anything that was cut. Plus, the scenes they created for the movie with President Snow and the Gamemakers really helped round out the story and provide additional insights to viewers." — McKenna
"I think that Gary Ross and [author] Suzanne Collins did a wonderful job of adapting this book into a movie. Their use of Caesar Flickerman and Claudius Templesmith as announcers and commentators about the games was brilliant and a really smart, creative way to bring some of the backstory and terminology into the movie. I loved the added scenes between President Snow and Seneca Crane because it helped to lay the foundation of how Katniss ultimately becomes the symbol that sparks the rebellion and will help people who haven't read the books understand that there is more to this story than just a young girl's survival in the Games. I also enjoyed some of the changes they made to Peeta's portrayal in the movie. I loved that Peeta was not portrayed as helpless in the final battle with Cato. It really showed him to be more of Katniss' equal and not someone she is continually trying to save." — Cordero
Check out everything we've got on "The Hunger Games."
For young Hollywood news, fashion and "Twilight" updates around the clock, visit
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Friday, March 23, 2012
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'Hunger Games' Star Liam Hemsworth Is 'Team Haymitch'
'Woody Harrelson is one of my favorite actors, and I was really, really excited to see Haymitch come to life,' Aussie actor tells MTV News.
By Kara Warner
Liam Hemsworth
Photo: MTV News
As painful as it has been for us "Hunger Games" fans to wait for the film's release, imagine how anxious the stars themselves have been to see it.
We've heard how Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson reacted to seeing the finished film for the first time, and now it's time to hear what co-star Liam Hemsworth had to say after his first viewing.
"It was amazing just to see all the different actors and what they've done with it," Hemsworth told MTV News recently. "Woody Harrelson is one of my favorite actors, and I was really, really excited to see Haymitch come to life. He's awesome. I'm Team Haymitch all the way; I think he's amazing.
"The movie is intense from beginning to end, and it's powerful," Hemsworth added about the finished product. "You have this girl who gives so much hope and courage to everyone, and Jennifer is the perfect person to play it. She pulled it off perfect."
After joking with the Aussie actor about how his brother, "Thor" star Chris Hemsworth, helped him prepare for the initial audition, we asked Liam how he approached his character knowing that, while he doesn't have a lot of screen time, his role in Katniss' life is vital.
"It does add a little pressure. It's always harder when you're coming in for smaller amounts and you have to convey everything that needs to be conveyed in small moments, but the writing was that good that it wasn't hard," Hemsworth said of maximizing his screen time. "The director was that good and Jennifer was amazing, so it was all kind of already there."
Check out everything we've got on "The Hunger Games."
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'Dark Shadows' Trailer Divides Fans
Our columnist defends Tim Burton's comedic re-imagining of the vampire soap.
By John Mitchell
Johnny Depp in "Dark Shadows"
Photo: Warner Bros
The first trailer for Tim Burton's big-screen adaptation of the late-'60s/ early-'70s vampire soap opera "Dark Shadows" dropped Thursday, and it has sharply divided fans.
In one corner are "Shadows" purists, who seem none too pleased with the director's decision to re-imagine the campy but deadly serious soap as a gonzo comedy. In the other corner are more casual fans and Burton enthusiasts, who are seeing shades of "Beetlejuice" and "Edward Scissorhands" and loving it.
I'm on the record as falling in the latter category. I grew up on reruns of the original soap (yeah, I was a weird kid) and also loved NBC's short-lived prime-time reboot in the early '90s. If the original series was a true-to-genre soap opera (just, you know, with a heavier lean on the supernatural), the '90s take was "Melrose Place"-meets-"Twin Peaks" but with fangs. The problem is, a straight take on the original (which is where Burton's loyalties lie — he's never given any indication he cares about the TV reboot) wouldn't fly with today's sophisticated film audience, and playing to the '90s retread would have resulted in a film that would have a lot in common with Neil Jordan's "Interview With the Vampire." And while that's certainly not a bad thing — "Interview" is a killer vampire flick — it has nothing to do with Tim Burton.
For its '90s return, "Shadows" turned up the sex factor; it was a sudsy drama with a chest-baring Ben Cross as Barnabas, Angelique busting out of her corset and a plot that focused heavily on Barnabas' attempts to cure his vampirism so he could bring the sexytimes with Victoria Winters, whom he suspected may have been the reincarnation of Josette DuPres, the love of his mortal life back in the late 18th century.
That's all well and good, and a big-screen treatment of that might have even played well. But that was never going to happen with Burton at the helm; it's not his game. The dark and spooky aesthetic he created for films like "Sleepy Hollow" and "Sweeney Todd" had the look fans of the series were after, and I think that — mixed with Burton's fanboy enthusiasm for the project — is why purists were so psyched that he was directing. But Burton doesn't really do romance, particularly not lusty, forbidden love stories.
'Dark Shadows' Trailer: Love It Or Hate It? (Poll)
There are several directors who do, and who do it well, including "Shadows" star Michelle Pfeiffer's frequent collaborator Stephen Frears ("Dangerous Liaisons," "Cheri," "Mary Reilly") and "Interview" director Jordan ("The End of the Affair," "The Crying Game"). Joe Wright ("Atonement," "Pride and Prejudice," the upcoming "Anna Karenina") has practically built his career on the stuff.
But I suspect they wouldn't have been able to grasp the weirdo wonderment that makes "Shadows" so special to fans. It's based on a soap, after all, and is so over-the-top that to direct it as a straight romantic vampire drama might have meant significant alterations to the story to "normalize" it. It would have had to be boiled down to the basics. That still might have made for a good film, but (real talk) it also might have meant that something really dynamic would be translated into a highbrow, slightly more horror-leaning version of "Twilight." And, um, no one wants that.
On the flip side, if Burton had kept the deliberately exaggerated and theatrical style of the original without acknowledging the comedy inherent in going so over-the-top (this is the literal definition of "camp"), it would have been unwatchably ridiculous. Soaps are absurd but play their ridiculousness with the utmost seriousness. It's something we all know and accept about them, but it's not something that would work, not even for a second, on the big screen — particularly in a big-budget film starring two three-time Oscar nominees (Johnny Depp and Pfeiffer), the twice-nominated Helena Bonham Carter and "Little Children" nominee Jackie Earle Haley.
The only thing left for Burton to do was turn the volume up even higher and trust his talented actors to work their magic with what better be a damn clever script. It's hard to embrace absurdity without it coming across as farce, but you know who is a master of doing exactly that? Tim Burton. He did it in "Beetlejuice" and "Edward Scissorhands." He even brought some genuine emotion to it with the more delicate "Ed Wood."
It's been a while since Burton worked this particular magic, but after seeing the "Shadows" trailer I'm feeling like he may have done it again.
What did you think of the "Dark Shadows" trailer? Let us know in the comments below and tweet me at @JohnMitchell83 with your thoughts and suggestions for future columns!
Check out everything we've got on "Dark Shadows."
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